Wednesday, 20 November 2013

The Transitional You (One)

Meet the Transitional YOU

In a nation where turmoil dominate the daily news and words of discouragement and bleakness of a better tomorrow often prevail. Where we hear so much of corporate scandals and pervading news of corruption on all fronts.
In a nation where little or no importance is placed on the economical, educational, security and sociological well being of Her citizens. Where graduating top of the class seems to be of little relevance to how quickly (If you'd get at all) you get a job. Where the phrase “... I've been looking for a job for ...” has become a mantra that it attracts little or no attention anymore.
I as a Nigerian I'am tired of these and believe most if not all Nigerians are also. And like the Israelites of old, enslaved in Egypt, we are earnestly craving for a Moses. A leader who will deliver us from the tyrannous rule imposed on us by the numerous problems of this nation.
I’ve got a good news for you though. The Moses we have all been waiting for is here. Infact, He has been around for a while now and like us, He is becoming adapted to this lifestyle.
Now who is this Moses? you’d ask. The Moses here is the TRANSITIONAL YOU.He is that part of you that so much crave for a better Nigeria, that you always wish that you can become the President overnight and effect a change. He is that you that spends a great part of your time meditating on the various problems of this nation, tweeting and blogging, discussing with friends and families on the recent, often not encouraging news of the government’s insensitivity to the plight of her impoverished citizens.
According to Stephen R. Covey,
“A transition person is that individual who breaks the flow of bad- the negative traditions, harmful practices that gets passed from generation to generation.”
If you agree with me that this nation is in need of change and that you have got what it takes to make this nation the great nation it truly is, then you are that transitional individual that we need to re-write the story of this nation. Remember,
God will not do for men what he has given them the ability to do for themselves      -Anonymous
We have all it takes to make this country better. Yes! prayer is good, but it will not solve our problems if all we do is pray and do nothing about it.
Therefore over the coming weeks, we would be examining on how you can steer up the transitional person in you and thereby kickstart the much needed revolution which is needed to take this nation to the next level. Looking forward to an impacting and fulfilling journey with you. I shall leave you with this poem from ETIENNE De GRELLET . Enjoy!!!

“I shall pass through this life but once.
Any good, therefore, that I can do

Or any kindness I can show to any fellow creature,

Let me do it now.

Let me not defer or neglect it,

For I shall not pass this way again.”


  1. Good one sir, God bless you. i am of the opinion that this is what we need now in our nation. to be transitional people, not 'joiners' or worse off complainers. it is hightime we arose and stop dreaming and start planning, let us under the mighty hand of God work to bring a change. start small if that is what u can, infact it begins with ur everyday decisions, it means much. #havedominion

    1. Thats a very important point sir. Really appreciate the comment. God bless you really big.
